Tips For New Cat Owners

 Tips for new cat owner


If You Are New To Taking Care Of A Cat, Then You Might Need A Little Help

Cats Are Among The Most Amazing Creatures On Earth, Therefore It’s Surprising That You’d Want One As A Pet. The more information that you have, the more prepared you’ll be to have a feline friend.

That’s why it is a must that you know some basic knowledge. Thankfully, you and your cat are on the right track. In this post, you will learn some of the most important tips you should know as a new cat owner.

Cat Food

Your pet’s health is strongly dependent on what they eat. That’s why you would need to know what they should eat, how much you need to feed them, and when they should be fed.

If you are adopting a cat from a shelter or buying it from a pet store, make sure you ask them what they are feeding your cat so you can keep them on a consistent diet. From there, you can then slowly transition them to your chosen diet plan.

The type of food you give them would also depend on their age. For example, kittens who are under one year old should be given kitten formula instead. Their diet would also change as they grow up. Thankfully, you can choose a commercialized cat food that is designed for a specific age group.

Moreover, you also need to consider the health condition of your cat. If they have health issues such as weight problems and medical conditions, then you need to adjust their diet as needed.

Make sure you read the label. You should know what goes inside a cat food.

Cat diet is a huge topic. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you speak to your vet about this or do further research on this topic. Nevertheless, for now, these are some important tips you need to know about cat food.

Tips for new cat owner

Buy The Right Items For Your Cats

You need to give your cat personal items. Here are some essential things you need to buy right from the start:

  • Food dishes
  • Water bowls
  • Beddings
  • Toys
  • Litter box
  • Litter mat
  • Litter scoop and bucket
  • Carrier
  • Brush
  • Cat nail scissors
  • Cat shampoo
  • Towels
  • Grooming tools
  • Scratching posts


Thankfully, cats are known to groom themselves effectively. That’s why, under normal circumstances, giving your cat a bath at least once a week should be enough. Brushing your cat may also be done once a week for short and medium-haired cats and twice or thrice for long-haired cats.

It’s not a secret that some cats hate water and they detest the very thought of having a bath. So, depending on the level of your cat’s love-hate relationship with bathing, you need to adjust accordingly.

You can desensitize your cat from bathing by putting them inside the bathtub or lavatory. You can brush them first in the bathing area or feed them there until they get comfortable. You can then try to give them a bath if you sense they’re ready.

Use shampoos that are made for cats. Make sure you follow the proper bathing procedure. Use a towel to dry your fur friend well and put them somewhere warm. You can then brush them again once they’re dry.

Tips for new cat owner

Trim Their Claws

By trimming, what it means is using a small, sharp pair of cat scissors. Some cat owners consider declawing, but most experts and animal advocates are strongly against it as it is seen as cruelty to cats.

So, just settle with trimming. It keeps the claws from getting sharp, frayed, broken, or too long. This will not only benefit your cat, but also you and your furniture.

Take Care Of Your Furniture

Among the most common problems of cat owners is claw marks on their furniture. Scratching is part of a cat’s nature. Thus, you shouldn’t suppress it, but instead, direct it to an acceptable area where he can scratch.

This is where scratching posts such as the ScratchyRamp Cat Scratcher come into play. Place scratching posts near your furniture or carpet. Teach and encourage your cat to use scratching posts.

Understand Your Cat’s Language

Obviously, cats don’t speak human language. Thus, you need to rely on their body language and the sounds they make.

You can use the whole body of your cat to know what they want to tell you. From their tail to ears, all those can give you clues.

This can be a long topic, so make sure you read about cat language further. But to start, when you see your cat’s tail is quivering or held straight up, they’re most likely excited and happy. If your cat’s ears are forward-facing, it means they’re curious and interested. Backward ears could mean they’re threatened.

Tips for new cat owner

Create A Safe Environment For Your Cat

Your home should be a sanctuary and safe haven for your cat. That’s why you need to exert the effort to make your place safe and secure.

For example, look for a few dangers that could potentially lead to accidents such as high balconies, things that may be knocked down, poisonous plants, electric wires, medications, windows without screens, and others.

Find A Good Vet

Your vet is your partner when it comes to taking care of your beloved cat. They play a vital role in your cat’s well-being. That’s why you need to make sure you are working with the right vet.

You can start by asking around. Look for good recommendations from friends and fellow pet owners. Search the Internet, too. From there, create a list.

To narrow down your options, you need to check their credentials. Finally, talk to your vet. It is advisable to talk to a vet in person and not just on the phone. It gives you the opportunity to visit his clinic and check their facility yourself.

Talking to your vet should give you a feeling of whether you are comfortable with him or not. If your gut instinct tells you they might not be a good choice, proceed with other options. Do this until you finally find the best vet that will meet your needs, preference, and budget.

Tips for new cat owner

Take one day at a time

These are just some of the super helpful tips you should know as a new cat owner. There are so many more tips making it difficult to cover them all in one single article. So, don’t hesitate to do your own research. Talk to your vet as well. If you want, have a conversation with other cat owners and you surely would get more tips from them.

Most importantly, take it one day at a time. It is more likely that you won’t get it right on the first time. It is a learning experience. But as long as you are doing your best and have your cat’s best interest in mind, you’re doing a great job.