Jackson County Animal Shelter

JCAS is governed by the county commission of Jackson County and is a small rural shelter with 13 dog runs and 2 small cat rooms. Consequently, dogs are strays or seized dogs only. Dogs and Cats are kept until rescued or adopted.

Cottageville, WV,25239
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://none


Boxer | Clay County, WV

Age : 3 Years 2 MonthsAdultMaleMediumBrown/Chocolate



affectionate leashtrained obedient ongoingMedical playful playsToys

Coat Length


Activity Level

Moderately Active

Energy Level


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others Dogs

Meet Beau

Boxer lovers - let me introduce you to Beau!! You will love his little toothy smile! He is a wonderful boy! He does have an ongoing medical condition that we can discuss if you are interested in Beau! Beau has a medical condition called Diabetes Insipidus, a disease that causes the body to make a large amount of urine and can lead to extreme thirst. Treatment for Diabetes Insipidus which Beau is currently taking, Desmopressin Acetate Tab 0.2mg. He gets 1 tablet every 8-12 hours. This medication has helped him greatly! We control his water intake, and he keeps a dry kennel at night. Beau walks great on a leash, is people and dog friendly!

Adoption Process
Application is reviewed and references checked, adoption contract, fees range from $22 for cats to $32 for dogs with spay/neuter included and required.

Jackson County Animal Shelter
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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