Rottweiler | Warren, AR
Age : 1 Year 8 MonthsBabyFemaleMediumBlack with Tan, Yellow or Fawn
affectionate cratetrained doesWellInCar leashtrained olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Coat Length
CurrentEnergy Level
HighHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Skye
Skye in an incredibly sweet, affectionate rottie puppy, approximately 6-7 months old and she has the most beautiful doe eyes. She is pretty laid back and is very calm in the house. She enjoys toys, antlers, the back yard, a walk in the park and playing with her English Cocker Spaniel furry foster sibling. Skye was picked up by animal control and was very thin. Since then she has been spayed and is up to date on vaccines. She is HW-. She enjoys food, probably too much, due to the fact that she was on her own and without it. As a result, she did pick up the habit of eating poop, probably so as not to starve. She gets two meals a day and because she lives with other dogs, is fed in her crate. Skye is crate trained (tossing in a cookie helps) and 90% house trained. Because she is a puppy, She is kept on a very consistent schedule so as to predict her bathroom needs. This has worked well, with only an occasional mistake. Her favorite spots when inside the house is a particular dog bed or beside her foster mom's chair. Skye will follow her around the house and alerts appropriately to unfamiliar sounds. Skye would make a great dog for a family willing to be patient and love her. She gets along great with her furry foster siblings and has adjusted to her new environment well. Upon approval to adopt, you will be sent SSRR Decompression and Introduction requirements that we require ALL of our adopters to follow . You will be asked to acknowledge receipt of these requirements, verify that you have read them and that you will follow them. Special thanks to Kelly Warren of for these incredible pictures of Skye. Please click on one of the images below to go to Kelly's Instagram and website.
Adoption Process
Adoption Application
Vet Reference Check
Personal Reference checks
Home Check
Adoption Fee applies
Southern States Rescued Rottweilers
[email protected]
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