5 Ways to Stop your cat scratching furniture
A new cat can be a daunting possibility for anyone – even an experienced pet owner. You will need to think carefully before committing to a new furry friend. The biggest concern of many new cat owners is protecting your furniture from the fury of your cat’s sharp claws. Cats have a strong and instinctive need to scratch. A cat scratching furniture and other desirable objects is a kind of exercise, especially for growing kittens.
Scratching is a method that cats of all ages use to mark their territory against any other animal that could intrude. Besides, as destructive as scratching is, it is the primary way that cats manage the health of their nails. Scratching is a normal response for cats of all ages and breeds. Thankfully, much trial and error have resulted in a full list of ideas to protect your home from the destructive potential of your new cat.
#1: Have a (Kitty) Spa Day
The first step to prevent your cat from ruining your couch is to groom her regularly. You should begin trimming her claws while she is still young to show her it is not scary. Trimming nails helps cut down their sharpness and eliminates some of the need cats have to scratch.
#2 Assign a Designated Scratching
Place It is essential to teach your cat the proper places to scratch in their home. Research the most suitable scratching posts to create an area designated for them to scratch. Look for a mixture of surfaces and textures to find the appropriate area for your cat. Additionally, encourage her to use this space by rubbing catnip on the posts and hanging toys around it. You should never forcibly make your cat scratch on anything.
#3: Provide Stress Relief
Occasionally, a cat will take to aggressive scratching and other destructive behavior when they feel bored, uncomfortable, or stressed about situations in their home. You should pay close attention to your cat’s habits and how he acts. A serious scratching problem might be prevented or eliminated by removing a known stressor, such as a loud noise or the wrong type of kitty litter.
#4: Use Lots of Different Textures
While he is still young, discourage your cat from using their claws on specific objects, like couches, speakers, and floors, by altering the texture. Place the mesh portion of your speakers towards a wall. Cover sections of furniture and flooring with uncomfortable things. Sticky tape and sandpaper work great when trying to dissuade a cat from scratching.
#5: Put a Cap On It
Nowadays, there are great tools available to help disgruntled pet parents deal with destructive behavior. Plastic caps are a solution that allows a cat to scratch wherever they would like without causing any damage. Most versions of these special caps, which come in lots of fun colors, temporarily put a cap on things for about four to six weeks.
Avoid Declawing for the Benefit of Your Cat
While declawing your cat will let you breathe a sigh of relief for your furniture, it is a decision that can affect their immediate and future health. You should consider this process only as an absolute last resort to find a solution to your cat scratching furniture.
The process of declawing can be dangerous and extremely upsetting to the delicate mental health of your kitty. Following the procedure, he will have lost his principal means of protection. Cat behavior experts are available to help troubleshoot more steps to manage the scratching habits of your cat before you should ever need to declaw them.