Almost Home Dog Rescue

We are a small group of volunteers whose goal is to save the lives of homeless dogs suffering in high-kill shelters. In doing so, we hope to provide an alternative to the purchase of puppy-mill and pet-store dogs, thereby reducing the demand for and ultimately the supply of such dogs. We strive to match each dog with the right family after the dog has been observed in a foster home.

Doylestown, pa,18901
Get directions

Email: [email protected]



Labrador Retriever | Hunterdon County, NJ



Coat Length




Activity Level

Moderately Active

Good in Home With

Others DogsChildren

Adoption Fees


Meet Pablo

Pablo is a very sweet and handsome lab mix. He is around 1 year old and 50 lbs. He recently arrived to one of our foster homes and is settling in very nicely!    One of the first things you will notice about Pablo is how gentle he is! He is a big sweetheart and a sensitive guy. He can be a little timid at first but warms up quickly. He has been very sweet meeting little kids at events. He loves getting attention from people and snuggling on the couch.   Pablo rides well in the car but needs to build a little confidence to get in and out on his own. He has done all of his pottying outside and has been good in the crate when left for a few hours and overnight. Living in a house is new to him but he has been a total gentleman so far. He is dog friendly and enjoys playing with the foster home resident dogs. He took about a day to warm up and be comfortable enough to play and is now enjoying himself.    Pablo has quickly discovered many toys and bones and will happily occupy himself with them. It seems that Pablo would be fine in a home with or without other dogs. He looks to people for guidance and encouragement (a treat bag in hand also doesn’t hurt).   If you are interested in adopting Pablo please email us at [email protected] to apply. (Local adoptions preferred — Philadelphia and tri-state area [South Jersey and northern Delaware] only.) PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTACTING US! We are NOT a shelter: All of our dogs live in private homes with foster families. Come and meet the Almost Home dogs and their fosters at our Meet & Greet events, where you can learn more about our wonderful dogs from the people who live with them, find out which dogs are on their way and when they’ll arrive, and fill out an application to adopt or foster. We cannot adopt to homes where electric-shock fencing systems or training collars are used. For more information on the dangers of electric-shock collars, please visit . We do not have an online adoption application; to request an application, e-mail us at [email protected]. To speed e-mail processing time, be sure to note the name of the dog you are inquiring about in the Subject line. For Meet & Greet times and locations, visit our home page, where you also will find information on our adoption process and fees. FOSTER FAMILIES ARE LIFESAVERS!! Can you open your heart and home for a few weeks to homeless shelter dog? Remember, by fostering a dog, you save TWO lives — that of your foster dog, and that of the dog who takes his place in the shelter! Come to a Meet & Greet and find out if fostering is for you — there's no reward quite like the feeling that you've saved a life ... or two!

Adoption Process
We require vet and reference checks and a home visit for all adoptions. Our adoption fee is $275 with an extra $50 deposit for unaltered puppies.

Almost Home Dog Rescue
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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