Border Collie | Simpson County, KY
Age : 3 Years 8 MonthsAdultMaleMediumBrown/Chocolate with White
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Meet Mikey
Mikey is 2 years old and looking for a miracle. His puppy days were normal and somewhere around 9 months that changed. The going theories are a reaction to his Simparica or a rabies miasm. But neither of those things can be confirmed. What we do know is Mikey continues to improve health wise, but needs to find a loving home without children. He has been treated for and ruled out seizures. He didn't respond to Prozac. Mikey is great with cats and does well with chickens UNLESS kids were around. When the kids are playing he tries to attack the other animals. This is ONLY when kids are around. We are truly looking for an experienced person or rescue that knows this breed that can give him the chance to have a life. Prolonged exposure to kids cause him to stop eating and lose weight. Being near them, but separated causes him to pace manically to the point his feet bleed. He does this when the kids across the street play too. We are definitely out of options for helping unless we can find a foster, adopter, or rescue that can keep him away from kids Mikey has never bitten but has growled to warn the kids to stay away. He’s giving every sign in the world that he just wants to find a home where he can be his breed, be understood, and not have little kids around on a routine basis.
Adoption Process
We generally adopt out fully vetted cats and older kittens, but we are attempting some new options. Since the covid we have taken in over 140 felines, and we are not set up for this. We have cats everywhere and lots of new fosters; many of which intend to adopt once cats are spayed/neutered.
Kentucky Kitty Cats, Inc.
(270) 256-1803
[email protected]
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