Great Dane | New Sharon, IA
Age : 7 MonthsYoungMaleX-LargeWhite with Black
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease gentle goofy intelligent leashtrained obedient playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
$215Meet Bullwinkle
Adoption Process
Once you've done your homework and decided that you and your family are ready for adoption, the next step is to begin the search for that perfect furry pal to adopt.
We post all of our adoptable pets on our website on a daily basis for you to check. You can also stop by the SMAS during business hours to view all of our adoptable pets and spend some one-on-one time with them.
After you've decided which pet you are interested in adopting, the next step is to complete an adoption application. All adopters must complete an application and be approved for adoption before taking their new friend home. Completion of an adoption application does not guarantee that you will be able to adopt the specific pet you applied for, nor are you obligated to adopt by completing an adoption application. In the event that an animal has multiple adoption applications submitted, the decision on which applicant will be able to adopt the animal will be left to the staff based on the best interest of the animal.
We typically have the application processed within 24 hours of submission. Applicants can expect a phone call regarding the status of their application the day after they submit it. If you have not received a phone call within a 2 or more days, please call us.
Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter
(641) 673-3991
[email protected]
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