Pomeranian | Booneville, AR
Age : 5 Months 12 DaysBabyFemaleMediumSiberian Husky
affectionate eagerToPlease noHeat olderKidsOnly playful
Coat Length
LongActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
350dear Edna! Dumped at a dog auction and still wanting to give kisses. She will shed like a furnado! She will be about 12 pounds as an adult. She is up to date on her shots, spayed and fully vetted.
Adoption Process
All adult dogs are microchipped and Most are spayed/neutered prior to placement. Adoptive person must provide proper vet care throughout dog's life. Fees are $350 to $650 depending on age, breed and and training.
camp merry sunshine
(417) 214-1539
[email protected]