Meet the Inspirational Woman Behind the Hospice for Dogs

Meet the inspirational woman behind the hospice for dogs

A hospice for dogs really does exist. It’s called The Grey Muzzle Canine Hospice Project. As is true for all living beings, aging is inevitable. Our four-legged best friends are no exception to this rule.

Unfortunately, as they age and lives change, elderly dogs often end up homeless in the last months and years of their lives. This can often be due to the inability to afford their continued care as well as life circumstances changing. When owners are no longer able to provide the proper care, hard decisions have to be made. No matter the case, this is not an easy change for any dog, especially seniors.

That is where Nicola Coyne, from Nottingham in the UK, comes in. As a retired nurse, Nicola recognized the need for homes for dogs in their hospice days. These dogs are often abandoned by their original owners, typically with less than six months left to live. Yet they are no less deserving of the highest quality love and care a dog can receive.

Meet the inspirational woman behind the hospice for dogs

30 Dogs and Counting

At this point, Nicole estimates that she has provided end-of-life love for about 30 dogs. These lucky rescues typically have less than six months or less to live. She visits shelters looking for the senior pups and adopts two at a time. Her longest furry resident was with her for around a year, while the shortest stay was two weeks.

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“It can be an utterly heartbreaking job, but someone has to do it,” Nicola says. “I’m a complete animal lover and I just can’t bear the thought of them spending their final days, weeks, or months without the love they deserve. It can be really tough, but ultimately it’s so rewarding when you can make those times special.”

Meet the inspirational woman behind the hospice for dogs

The Last Hurrah

As one can imagine, the dogs that get a chance to live with Nicola are nothing short of spoiled. Each dog that she welcomes into her home has the opportunity to complete a bucket list that most canines dream of. These experiences range from tantalizing steak dinners, McDonald’s ice cream, pup parties, and fun at the beach – the last hurrah.

While all good things must come to an end, that doesn’t mean they need to be forgotten. The dogs that pass while in Nicola’s care are always cremated and brought back home. She has a dedicated plot at her home in Nottingham where their remains are laid to rest. A promise that they will be forever safe and loved.

What a heartwarming story of hope and inspiration. Do you have special homes like these for pets in your area? Share your thoughts in the comments.